Terms and Conditions

The below terms and conditions apply to every workshop led by Jared Lloyd Photography (JLP) and PhotoWILD Workshops (PWW). However, some workshops may have different or additional Terms and Conditions, which will be listed in the workshop-specific section. Please carefully read in detail the below general Terms and Conditions as well as the workshop’s specific Terms and Conditions, if applicable.

Please contact us before signing if we can answer any additional questions or concerns.

Deposits and Registration

JLP and PWM require both a deposit AND this form signed and completed to reserve your spot on a workshop. 

Once you have read through, signed, and initialed, these terms and conditions, you will receive an invoice to submit your deposit. Please note, you have a 14-day grace period to confirm your spot on a workshop by submitting both the registration form and deposit. After that time, if we have not received both the registration and deposit, we will open the space up again to another participant.

After we have received the registration and deposit, there is a 7-day cooling off period. If you have a change of heart and decide you would not like to join the workshop after all, you have 7 days in which you can request a refund on your deposit. After that time, deposits are non-refundable (see Cancelations, Refunds, and Itinerary Changes).

Payment can be made by credit card or check. If paying by check, please reach out to us prior to mailing a payment so we may provide you with an address. As we travel often, it isn't always the same place. 


All final payments are due 90 days prior to the start of your workshop, unless otherwise informed (certain workshops may necessitate a different payment arrangement). If the final payment has not been received by 90 days prior to the workshop, we will make every reasonable attempt to reach you. In the event that we do not hear back from you after several attempts, or if you do not adhere to the previously agreed upon payment plan, your registration may be forfeited with no refund.

If you register for a workshop within 90 days of the start of the workshop, the entire balance is due upon registration.



Cancelations and Changes


It is your responsibility to read and understand our cancelation, refund, and change in itinerary policy. If you have questions about this, please reach out to us as we are happy to explain or discuss.


A.    If you cancel.

If you cancel prior to 90 days before the workshop: A full refund, including the deposit, minus a $200 administration fee, will be issued only if we are able to fill the participant's spot on the workshop. The refund will be issued once the sale of the spot is confirmed by the deposit of the new participant. If we are unable to fill your spot on the workshop, we will attempt to work with you to transfer the money you have paid to a future workshop that takes place within one calendar year of the start of the original workshop you signed up for. No refund will be given.

No refunds will be given within 90 days from the start of the workshop. If you must cancel within 90 days from the start of the workshop, we will work with you to transfer 100% of your deposit to a future workshop or trip.


Please protect your investment by purchasing travel insurance.


B.    If we cancel because of illness, bodily injury, or too few participant signups.


a.     In the event JLP or PWW must cancel the workshop due to illness, bodily injury to the photography workshop leader, or too few participants to meet our minimum participation needs for a particular trip (each trip has a different number), we will work with you to transfer 100% of money paid as credit to a future workshop of your choice. If the cost of the future workshop is equal to the cost of the one originally booked, no additional money or fees will be required from Jared Lloyd Photography. If the workshop of choice is more than the original price paid, the difference will be owed to join that workshop or tour.


Please protect your investment by purchasing travel insurance.


C.    If we cancel due to Force Majeure.


a.     NO REFUNDS will be given in the event of a force majeure, which shall include, but is not be limited to, an act of God, natural disaster, epidemic, pandemic, civil unrest, protest, strike, industrial shut down, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), government shut down, government-issued travel restriction or advisory impacting any portion of the Trip or Extension, or any other reason beyond the control of Jared Lloyd Photography or PhotoWILD Magazine that causes JLP, PWW, thier affiliates, or hired service providers, to be unable to operate the workshop or trip to any extent as planned. In the event of a force majeure, JLP and PWW may at any time, before or after the workshop departure, cancel the workshop, change the date of the workshop, increase the price as circumstances warrant, or reschedule the departure date. In the event of cancellation due to force majeure or otherwise, JLP and PWW shall, in its sole discretion, have the right, upon written notice to participant, by email or other means, and without further liability, transfer the initial deposit paid by workshop participant to a future workshop of the participant’s choosing.


 Please protect your investment by purchasing travel insurance.


D.    Changes to Workshop


a.     Photography workshops led by Jared Lloyd Photography and PhotoWILD Magazine are a form of adventure travel. Adventure travel by its very nature can be unpredictable. The best laid plans can unravel at the last moment and decisions often must be made before or during a workshop that can cause changes from the original itinerary, locations, lodges, target photographic subjects, and even the workshop instructor. As such, JLP, PWM, their affiliates, and service providers, reserve the right to make changes to the workshop if deemed necessary by the photography workshop leader.



Travel Insurance


Please protect your investment.  

We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance that specifies that you may ‘cancel for any reason' for all our workshops. Despite your best determinations, sometimes an unforeseeable event may prevent you from attending after spending thousands of dollars and hours of planning. 

Depending on the insurer, "Cancel for Any Reason" policies often need to be purchased within one week of your down payment with us.

Travel insurance is required by us for all international (non-US) workshops. As purchasing travel insurance is part of the registration process, we ask that you provide us with proof of purchase.

We suggest speaking with your insurance agent for advice. We recommend looking into  Squaremouth or Yonder, which allows you to enter your information in one place and receive quotes from numerous insurance companies.

If you would like more information about why we highly recommend travel insurance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Meals and Transportation

Meals and transportation before, during, and after the workshop will not be provided unless otherwise stated on the workshop’s individual itinerary. Though we eat out as a group sometimes, each participant will be responsible for their own meals unless otherwise stated in the workshop description. 

If you have special dietary needs, please indicate this on your registration form under the medical section. We do our best to make restaurant selections that accommodate all dietary needs. However, it will ultimately be your responsibility to provide for your dietary needs.

As a conservation-minded company, it is our imperative to reduce or eliminate single-use plastic and we ask you to join us in this endeavor. Please bring enough reusable water bottles with you to stay well hydrated for each day of photography. You will have ample opportunities to refill your water bottles during our mid-day breaks and occasionally while in the field.

Depending on the location and the specific workshop, we will be able to assist with transportation to varying degrees. On certain workshops, we may provide for all transportation, including pickup and drop-off at the airport and transportation throughout the workshop. Please understand that this is not always possible and transportation is ultimately your responsibility unless otherwise noted on the workshop details page.

In instances where we offer an airport shuttle, please let us know you would like to take advantage of this service prior to booking your flights. This varies based on location, availability, and interest, so it is imperative you confirm this option with us first.

Special Equipment

Along similar lines as meals and transportation, any special equipment will be your responsibility. We will do our best to assist you in determining what special equipment you may need (photography gear, clothing, etc.) by making suggestions, packing lists, and answering questions. However, it is ultimately your responsibility to assess your own needs and provide for them accordingly. 


Please contact us with any questions prior to the start of the workshop to better ensure that you are fully prepared. 


Individual Ability

While we strive to design our workshops to be as comfortable and flexible as possible, by their very nature, each workshop may place physical demands on you. With long days in the field, many feel the extra physical demands to one degree or another. Please refer to the workshop page on our website for more information about each particular trip. If the strenuousness of any workshop is a potential concern, please contact us. We are happy to discuss the details and give you examples of what you may expect.  

Additionally, please alert us to any potential limitations or concerns on the medical information section of your registration. While in the field, your trip leaders will pace the group (within reason) to attempt to meet everyone's needs and keep everyone comfortable. 

If, at any time, you feel over-taxed or concerned, please alert your trip leaders. They will work with you to the best of their ability to make you more comfortable in a discreet and respectful manner. If you find that you cannot continue the workshop as planned, please speak with your trip leaders to discuss options.

We also offer private workshops if you feel you would be more comfortable in a workshop tailored specifically to you


We make every attempt to design our workshops to be as comfortable and safe as possible. However, there are certain inherent risks associated with any such activity. By signing and submitting your registration packet, you are agreeing to be fully liable for your own safety at all times. 

We insist that you not go forth with any activity with which you are not fully comfortable. We also ask that you please communicate this to the group leader(s) at the first possible opportunity.


Medical Information

We ask that you submit a completed medical information page as part of your registration packet. This information will be kept in the strictest of confidence. We want to be aware of any potential issues you may have and will provide this information to a medical provider in the event that you become ill or injured to the extent of requiring medical attention. 


Medical Information Continued

Jared Lloyd has extensive backcountry medical training. Additionally, all other trip leaders are, at a minimum, CPR/First Aid certified. Should you require medical attention beyond first aid, the trip leader(s) will make every effort to get you to a medical facility. However, the safety and attention to the ‘group’ will be the trip leaders’ primary focus. In the event that the trip leader cannot reasonably leave the group, they will contact authorities that will get you to a medical facility. Once it is safe to do so, the trip leader(s) will reach out to your emergency contact.

The trip leaders will not make any medical decisions related to your care. You and/or your emergency contact will work directly with medical provides to make necessary decisions.

By registering for a workshop, you certify that you take responsibility for all medical and other additional expenses incurred as a result of your need for medical attention.


Group Mentality

One of the benefits of joining a group workshop is the opportunity to meet like-minded people. Not only are lasting friendships made, but you have the opportunity to learn from your peers in addition to the professional instruction of your trip leader(s). In dynamic group events, such as our workshops, everyone will have different personalities, quirks, nuances, different approaches, and will be at varying levels in their photography. We ask that you understand this and treat one another with the utmost respect at all times. 

Additionally, attitude is infectious and it is imperative that everyone maintains a positive demeanor. Should you become aware of an issue or should another participant or any aspect of the workshop upset you, please speak with your trip leader(s) privately. Keep in mind that while your trip leader(s) will respond to the best of their ability, they do have to keep the best interest of the group in mind.



Every workshop offered by Jared Lloyd Photography and PhotoWILD Magazine will have you close to potentially dangerous wildlife. An important component of these workshops is to extensively educate the group about how to work around these animals and how to read their behavior. This helps ensure a safe and comfortable atmosphere for participants and wildlife. 

It is imperative for everyone’s safety that all participants comply with the requests of the trip leader(s). If a participant does not adhere immediately to the leaders’ repeated instructions, they may be asked to leave for the safety of themselves, the group, and wildlife.


Ban the Bottle

In an effort to reduce waste and avoid harmful repercussions to our environment, we ask that you not purchase or use single-use plastic bottles during our workshops. Rather we request that you bring or purchase reusable water bottles for use during the workshop. Should you have questions about this policy or the harmful effects of single-use plastic, please feel free to contact us.


Tag-along Spouse/Partner


Often, non-photographer spouses or partners join our workshops. We absolutely welcome spouses/partners and provide some clarity here as to their participation. Any spouse/partner is welcome to join the meet and greet dinner on the first evening. However, if a non-photographer spouse would like to join the group in the field, they will have to purchase a space on the workshop at the same price as a regular participant. 

Resources, such as vehicle space, guide attention, and group management, are limited. Whether everyone is carrying a camera or not, increased group sizes begin to strain these resources to extents that sometimes move away from the experience Jared Lloyd Photography and PhotoWILD Workshops strives to offer all our clients. 


Trip Leaders

The leader(s) of the trip are the sole authority and governing body of the workshop and their directives must be followed at all times. Their knowledge and expertise of the local wildlife,  terrain, weather, and group management will guide them in their decision-making. 

The trip leader(s) will keep the safety of the group and the wildlife in mind at all times. If you disagree with your trip leader, speak to him/her later in private. Anyone who does not follow repeated directives from their trip leader(s) may be asked to leave. 



Only one credit or discount may be applied to any one workshop.

You Made It!

Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy document. We hope it answered some questions and gave you a better understanding of what to expect from Jared  Lloyd Photography, PhotoWILD Workshops, and from your participation in a workshop. 

We are excited you will be joining us and can’t wait to start preparing you for your next photographic adventure with Jared Lloyd Photography!